Etihad Museum
The spectacular 26,000 m2 Etihad museum and associated buildings were constructed in a tight project program of just 18 months and celebrates the Union of the Emirates in 1971. The museum opened on the 7th January 2017 and focusses on the years 1968 to 1974, with the political and social context of how the union of the individual states came about and how they subsequently flourished. The museum itself is designed in the shape of a manuscript to signify the signing of the UAE constitution.
Webb Dock
The Port of Melbourne handles almost 40% of the nation’s sea trade traffic, so not only is it of great value to the Victorian State but also critical to the national economy.
Swanson Dock
The Cathodic Protection of the 30 year-old Swanson Dock West for the Port of Melbourne, by Freyssinet, remains one of the largest and most innovative Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) Projects in Australia. At over 1 kilometre in length, the capacity of the three individual ICCP systems to protect the Wharf, the Concrete Beam and the steel pile and sheet pile substructure had to provide for a design current loading of 3600 Amps.